Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How Am I Not Myself?

Hello all! My name is Devon Martinez, and I'm a sophomore RTVF major (I'm still in denial about the whole FTDM thing) from San Antonio, TX. It's been a while since I've been in a literature class, and while I'm not a fan of all the paperwork, I can't help but enjoy this type of course. I just love the fact that five different people can read the same piece of writing and walk away with five different interpretations. Therefore, I'm glad to see that our class is so big and look forward to discussing the different literary pieces.

How I got to be Horned Frog is anyone's guess. I had never heard of TCU prior to by junior year of high school nor had I done any research into the school before applying. As I've stated before, I'm a film major and for as long as I can remember, college to me meant UT, and only UT. But, just to be on the safe side, I plugged in 'Texas' and 'film majors' into collegeboard and low and behold, TCU was on the list. Long story short (too late), UT didn't happen, but TCU did and it turned out to be the best decision I could've made! If I was Chancellor of TCU I would definitely do something about parking. I think everyone could benefit from better parking. Nothing says the start to a good day then getting a parking space without having to worry about a ticket. As far as a good teacher goes, I believe that there are two crucial ingredients that one needs to have and the rest is personality. One would be that the teacher has to want to be there. If the professor doesn't even want to see us, then what makes you think that we want to be there? And the other would be a decent amount of people skills. It's nice when people who stand in front of you and know the material actually know how to talk to you as well. Being a good student is really very simple; show up and do your work. If I could have dinner with any three people, I would invite Zooey Deschanel, Julie Harrison, and Mike Birbiglia. We would have spaghetti and bruschetta and it would be amazing. Three things you should know about me are that, a.) I pride myself on my memory b.) I make some of the best pumpkin bread you've ever tasted (or so I've heard) and c.) As I'm sure you will come to find out, I am terrible speaking in front of an audience and apologize now for when I have to do that 'Lead Response' jazz. As for all of you who choose to read this, I would like to know a.) What is your favorite movie? b.) What would you do on your perfect day? and c.) What would be your ultimate birthday present?

I'm not going to lie, I chose this course due to the fact that it filled a requirement and fit nicely into my schedule, although, this is the earliest class I've yet to have in college and am not excited about that aspect. But even though I went for the requirement bit, I wouldn't take it if there wasn't a little part of me that wasn't intrigued. I'm not looking for much to take away other than reading a few good pieces of literature, maybe improving my writing, and hearing the interpretations of the piece from the others around me. As far as reading outside the classroom goes, I'm actually in the middle of The Fountainhead. Prior to that, I must admit that the most recent thing I read was Harry Potter VI, but the movie was coming out and I wanted to re-read the book to freshen the story in my mind. The only real requirement I have about books/literature is that it tells a good story. Nothing drives me crazy like a weak story that just trails along (especially in screenplays, argh!). I enjoy writing, although most of the writing that I do tends to be more on the creative side, such as dabbling in screenwriting, although I did write many letters to people this past summer. I feel like my writing matches my personality pretty well, the technical stuff needs a lot of work, but the underlining message is strong.

My choices in this blog are relatively simple, sorry there isn't a grand master plan. The title of this post is from one of my favorite movies (I Heart Huckabees) and the title of every blogpost following this one will be the title of a movie. The picture is from my most recent trip to L.A. (and yes, those are my feet!). I chose the colors black and white for their simplicity and the ever so practical easy-to-read factor. I believe that way I approach my blog is roughly the same way that I'm approaching this course, I do my best to answer something completely and stay true to myself.

Thanks for sticking it out and reading this far! Yes, I have read the syllabus and agree to all of the terms, but no, I don't have any questions. Until next week...